It's FINISHED! It's finished! It's finished! (said while dancing around the room)
My first-ever, actually-completed, crochet blanket is finished.
Such a wonderful feeling - so satisfying. I just love, love, love looking at it, wrapping it around myself, enjoying how soft it feels and how finished it looks! :-)
I ended up doing the edges in rounds of single crochet. I liked the way this was a very simple stitch, and different to the main part of the blanket. I think a plain edging is good because it doesn't distract from the main stitch pattern - instead it just holds it all together and makes it look finished.
Did I mention that it's finished? ;-) And that I'm pleased about this? :-D
Let me share a few more photos with you:
I am so pleased with it, pleased as punch. :-)
And then this crazy idea came to me: I should enter it in the local show!
Now, thinking internationally here, I'm not certain every country follows this great Aussie (and British, I assume) tradition of the Local Show. In the US they might call it a "State Fair"(?). In Australia it's also known as an Exhibition, and the Brisbane Exhibition is known as "The Ekka" - following the Aussie style of shortening long words.
Anyway, for those who don't know: a Local Show is an annual event/festival. It's a fair with side-show alley - all the rides and games - but the show is also a chance to "show" our local best. There are horse riding competitions, wood-chopping competitions, and there are entries that are displayed and judged. Prizes are given for: the best cattle, the best chooks (chickens), the best sugar cane, etc, etc. And there's also the best cakes, the best home-grown vegetables, the best flowers, the best paintings... and the best crafts: knitting, quilting, and... crochet!
I finished my blanket on the weekend - just in time to enter it. I don't have hopes of winning best blanket or anything like that - I just love the idea of seeing my work on display. Up there for all to see. Finished. I would feel mighty proud - and pleased as punch - all over again. :-)
So I will make sure to take photos at the show on Friday and share them with you as soon as I can.
Wish me luck!
Til next time,
Caz :)
P.S. Here's the link to my local show's website: Show Whitsunday. I live in a small, rural community, so it's all very small-time, but it's all in good fun. :-)